When scientists were ranking animals, the warthog was in his holes so they ended up crowning the wrong guys.. king of the jungle title went to the lion and fastest went to the cheetah but both titles belong to the hog.

When scientists were ranking animals, the warthog was in his holes so they ended up crowning the wrong guys.. king of the jungle title went to the lion and fastest went to the cheetah but both titles belong to the hog. Third title for the warthog is for reverse parking. Dude can reverse into a hole in the middle of a high speed chase acceleration from zero is like a race car and brakes are instant.. I think its time we crown the right champions with all fairness.. if a cheetah can chase a hog and fail to catch it then we have a new champion, the V16 bi-turbo 6.5L AMG engine

Warthog | African, Savannah, Tusks | Britannica

The Warthog—The True King of the Jungle and the Fastest Animal Alive?

The world has been deceived for centuries. When scientists were doling out awards for the animal kingdom’s most impressive creatures, a colossal blunder occurred—one that’s been swept under the savannah for far too long. The lion, proudly sporting its crown as the King of the Jungle, and the cheetah, basking in the glory of being the fastest on land, have been riding on a fraudulent wave of fame. But now, it’s time for the real MVP to step out of the shadows (or more accurately, its burrow): the warthog.

Yes, you heard that right—the warthog. But don’t take my word for it. Let’s dive into the story of how this porky powerhouse has been overlooked, ridiculed, and tragically underappreciated for far too long.

The Warthog Was… Busy

Warthog Home Invasion in 360 5K | Backs into Hole

When the animal award ceremony took place, the warthog wasn’t absent out of laziness or arrogance. No, this humble hero was simply occupied with more pressing matters—like living its best subterranean life. While the lion was basking in the limelight, showing off its mane and basking in all that misplaced glory, the warthog was doing what it does best: protecting itself and its family in one of the most impressive pieces of reverse-parking choreography ever seen in the animal kingdom.

You see, the warthog doesn’t just back into its hole for fun—it’s a strategic move. In the middle of a high-speed chase with predators like the lion, leopard, or even the “speedster” cheetah, the warthog’s ability to reverse into its burrow with Olympic-level precision is nothing short of miraculous. I’m talking about a U-turn so tight, Elon Musk would be calling the warthog to consult on Tesla’s autopilot feature.

But did the scientists take that into account during the ranking? Absolutely not. They were too busy handing out participation trophies.

That Whole “King of the Jungle” Thing? Pure Propaganda

Zambian Footprints - THE LION AND WARTHOG: A FOLKTALE AMONG THE LAMBA PEOPLE A folktale is defined as a mythical story told through oral history from generation to generation by people of

Let’s talk about the lion, shall we? The so-called King of the Jungle spends most of its time napping—like, 16 to 20 hours a day—while the lionesses do the real work. It’s kind of like a royal figurehead who waves from a balcony once in a while but leaves all the actual governing to the team. And what’s even more mind-boggling is that lions don’t even live in jungles. Someone should’ve checked their geography before handing out that title.

On the other hand, the warthog is out here hustling. It’s got to deal with predators, find food, and reverse-park itself into safety multiple times a day. Now that’s jungle leadership material! The warthog’s ability to navigate these obstacles with grace, speed, and efficiency makes it the real ruler of the wild. A warthog’s day is an action-packed, high-octane thriller compared to the lion’s long, lazy drama series.

Fast and Furious: Warthog Edition

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Now, let’s get to the real scandal—the speed. We’ve all been led to believe that the cheetah is the fastest land animal, right? Well, I hate to break it to you, but if a cheetah can chase a warthog and fail to catch it, then someone’s math isn’t adding up. When a warthog hits the gas, it’s like watching a V16 bi-turbo 6.5L AMG engine come to life. Zero to full speed in seconds, all while zig-zagging like a seasoned Formula 1 driver to avoid getting caught.

We’ve seen cheetahs hit top speeds of 60-70 mph, but what about the warthog’s acceleration? It’s practically instant. You ever watch a cheetah sprint in a straight line? Impressive, sure. But can it stop on a dime? Can it make hairpin turns? Can it reverse-park into a burrow at top speed? Didn’t think so. That’s where the warthog comes in.

In a high-speed chase, the warthog doesn’t rely on running in a straight line like some one-trick pony (I mean, cheetah). It’s out here making plays, pivoting, accelerating, and then slamming on the brakes as if it’s driving the world’s tiniest sports car.

If the cheetah is a sports car, the warthog is a Swiss Army knife with turbo boosters. It’s adaptable, versatile, and leaves cheetahs scratching their heads (and probably their pride) after yet another failed hunt.

The Hidden Champion of the Savannah

Incredible! Super Warthog Fights Madly And Knocks Down Lions To Escape - Warthog Vs Lion, Cheetah...

If we’re talking pure skill, survival instincts, and agility, then the warthog is the real MVP of the animal kingdom. It’s time to put some respect on its name. Cheetahs might look fast, and lions might look regal, but the warthog is out here doing the work.

The warthog’s reverse-park technique alone deserves its own YouTube tutorial series. Imagine the views! And don’t even get me started on how it casually combines acceleration, braking, and agility like it’s playing a real-life game of “The Fast and the Furious: Savannah Drift.”

Time to Crown the Real King

Patrick Harry Chasi | When scientists were ranking animals, the warthog was in his holes so they ended up crowning the wrong guys.. king of the jungle title went… | Instagram

We’ve all been living under a massive lie for too long. The real King of the Jungle? Warthog. The fastest land animal? Warthog. Best reverse-parking skills? You guessed it—warthog. Let’s give credit where credit is due and hand over the crowns to their rightful owner: the unsung hero of the savannah, the warthog.

So the next time you’re watching a nature documentary and the camera zooms in on the lion or cheetah, just remember: the real star of the show is likely somewhere underground, resting in its perfectly reverse-parked burrow, waiting for its moment to shine. And it’s coming. Fast.